NPS Vatsalya Maturity Sum Calculator
Calculate the NPS Vatsalya Maturity Sum with our easy-to-use calculator. Enter your child’s age, investment duration, and expected rate of interest to estimate the maturity amount at 18 years and projected corpus at age 60. Plan your financial future with confidence!
Total Principal Invested: ₹0
Expected Sum on Maturity (at 18 years): ₹0
Total Gain at 18 Years of Age: ₹0
Projected Corpus at Age 60: ₹0
Disclaimer: The above calculations and illustrations are only indicative in nature and should not be considered as final or binding. For precise calculations, please consult with your financial advisor or the relevant authorities.
What is the NPS Vatsalya Maturity Sum Calculator?
The NPS Vatsalya Maturity Sum Calculator helps you estimate the maturity amount of your investment in the NPS Vatsalya scheme based on your child's age, investment duration, monthly contributions, and expected rate of interest.
How does the calculator work?
You enter your child's age, the amount you plan to contribute monthly, the expected rate of interest, and the investment duration (up to 18 years). The calculator then provides you with the total principal invested, expected maturity amount at 18 years, total gain, and projected corpus at age 60.
Can I calculate for a child who is already 18 years old?
No, the calculator is designed for children under 18. If your child is already 18 or older, the investment duration must be zero.
What happens if the sum of my child's age and investment duration exceeds 18 years?
The calculator will alert you to re-enter the investment duration since the sum of your child's age and investment duration cannot exceed 18 years.
How is the expected sum on maturity calculated?
The expected sum on maturity is calculated using the formula for the future value of a series of cash flows, considering the monthly contributions and the expected rate of interest compounded monthly.
Is the calculator's output guaranteed?
No, the calculations provided are indicative and should not be considered final. It's recommended to consult with a financial advisor for precise calculations tailored to your individual circumstances.
How can I contact you for further questions?
For any further questions or assistance, feel free to reach out through our website's contact form or email us at